A subordination agreement is a legal document that determines the priority of different claims or liens against a property. Essentially, it establishes a hierarchy of creditors, where some have a higher priority than others if the property is sold or foreclosed upon.

The primary use of subordination agreements is in real estate transactions, particularly in situations where multiple parties have a financial interest in a property. For example, if a homeowner wants to refinance their mortgage, but there is already a second mortgage on the property, the second mortgage holder may require a subordination agreement to protect their interests.

In this scenario, the subordination agreement would establish that the second mortgage holder agrees to allow the refinancing to occur, but their lien is still second in priority to the new mortgage. This means that in the event of a foreclosure, the first mortgage holder would be paid off first, followed by the second mortgage holder.

Another common use of subordination agreements is in situations where a business is seeking financing. For example, if a company has outstanding debt and wants to take out a new loan, the lender may require a subordination agreement from the existing creditors. This ensures that the new lender has a higher priority claim on the company`s assets in the event of default.

In addition to real estate and business financing, subordination agreements are also used in other types of financial transactions. For example, in the world of finance, a subordination agreement may be used to establish the priority of different classes of bonds or other debt securities.

Overall, the primary use of subordination agreements is to establish a clear hierarchy of creditors or investors in a given situation. By doing so, these agreements can help protect the interests of different parties and ensure that everyone understands their rights and obligations in a given transaction. If you are involved in any type of financial transaction or real estate deal, it is important to understand the role that subordination agreements may play and to work with an experienced attorney or financial professional to ensure that your interests are protected.